Digital Signage for Banks: 7 Ways to Create Effective Content

digital signage for banks; bank digital signage

You must have heard many benefits of having bank digital signage, but do you ever think about what goes on your displays? For your digital signage for banks to work its magic, you need the right banking digital signage playlist content. There’s a thin line between subtle marketing and being pushy.

We live in a modern era where consumers are used to vivid colors, captivating advertisements, and stunning visuals. Therefore, your digital signage for banks should not be any different. Digital signage for banks, without debate, can attract the attention of your clients and passersby; however, the power of the content is the key to capturing your business opportunities.

In this blog, we will tap into how you can create the most effective banking digital signage content that fits your business.

How to Create the Best Content for your Digital Signage for Banks

Here are the 7 best practices you can consider to help you create effective content for your digital signage for banks:

1. Understand your audience

It is essential to identify your target audience first. Without getting to know your clients, your content would not successfully resonate with your target clients and trigger any actions from them. You may be asking, what is the target audience? They are the group of clients that are most likely to want your product or offers. They should be the ones who should see your campaigns.

Consider the demographics of customer inflow inside your bank every day. Categorize your customers by age, gender, income, location, financial interests, or other factors. In addition, consider the current economic environment, living situations, and other factors that may affect how you craft your campaigns.

Content moderation may seem like a daunting task. But signage software and management solutions can help you carry out granular and complex message-targeting. With an advanced CMS, you can create a combination of the rules-based content playlist, data-driven messages, and an online visualizer tool to monitor the content played when and how.

2. Take Care of the Basics

Once you know your target audience, you are ready to take care of the basic formula of digital signage playlist content.

Here are some factors that should consider (and yes, you can tweak the loop time, fonts, and other factors a bit according to the locale of your banks):

  • The playtime for every screen should be no longer than 8-12 seconds.
  • Choose easy-to-read fonts (such as Sans serif) and keep them consistent throughout your playlist content. Fancy fonts are good visually; however, our ultimate goal is to ensure potential clients can read our messages without hassle.
  • Generally, digital signage playlist content is 30% to educate, 40% to entertain, 20% to encourage, and 10% to evoke emotion. Feel free to tweak the proportions accordingly.
  • Avoid using passive words such as “can be found.” Go confident and direct. Avoid overcrowding your digital signage for banks with too much text.
  • Make good use of the hierarchy of content to ensure your campaigns are easy to read and simple to understand.
  • Consider adding videos that can run within the play-time of each screen. Viewers like to watch graphics in motion more than static images. 

3. Blend of ABC and APATT 

Once you know your target audience, you are ready to take care of the basic formula of digital signage playlist content. Here are some factors that should consider (and yes, you can tweak the loop time, fonts, and other factors a bit according to the locale of your banks):

There are two dominant marketing strategies that shouldn’t influence the content you create:

  • ABC marketing strategy – Always Be Closing
  • APATT marketing strategy – All Product, All the Time 

Nobody likes being targeted by sales all the time. Make sure you have created a homologous blend of both strategies. There has to be balanced marketing in the way you promote your services. While it is true that you should focus on the ROI (Return on Investment) of your digital signage for banks, your strategy should not be merely sale-centered.

digital signage for banks; bank digital signage

4. Add Call-to-Action

Call to action is a great tool to trigger actions from clients interested in your offerings. Integrate CTAs in your content for your digital signage for banks. It does not necessarily have to be at the end of the loops. Alternatively, you can add them every two to four minutes to drive your audience to take a step.

Curate content that matters to your customers with local messaging and elemental CTA to establish a link within the first few minutes. For instance, when informing your audience about the eligibility of a loan, you can suggest to your visitors to “Just drop us a call, and we’ll explain how.”

5. Create a Pattern

Besides planning a playlist that matters more to your customers than it does to your bank, consider putting a pattern to it.

The human brain grasps patterned content more than anything else. Our brain enjoys the predictability and sense of security that the patterned concept brings. For instance, you can incorporate a customer’s success story or founding story into your content for your digital signage for banks to resonate with the ordinary human brain.

Think out-of-the-box and create innovative ideas to program your digital signage differently from how it is done in the bank branch next door. If possible, visit your competitors occasionally to keep track of their playlist content. It can give you an idea of what you need not include in your digital signage content.

6. Catchy content and placement

Where you place your digital signage for banks will affect the effectiveness of your content. You should identify high-traffic areas across your branches to ensure maximum content exposure. Park them at places where eyes naturally go, including from the lobby to teller areas and towards the other parts of the branch.

Consider promoting new account benefits and competitive rates at your bank’s entrance. Introduce your financial and mortgage advisors at the waiting area or along the line-up near the teller areas. Share new investment products, deliver up-to-date financial information, and connect with your customers.

7. Think of the community

The influence of social media is enormous on the community, which makes it a powerful content engine for banking digital signage content playlists. Using content moderators and controllers of the social media content that comes their way, you can run tweets and photos shared by your community. Or thankyous for jobs well done at your bank branch to boost the morale of employees and customers manifolds.

There is a pile of research advocating that customers care and gravitate towards companies that respect their community and staff publicly, and wholeheartedly.

Bottom Line

Easier said than done, there is a whole lot of expertise, technology, and moderation required to keep your banking digital signage content playlist in tip-top shape.

Luckily, Display Persona System reduces the complexity of content implementation, and Date Range Filter monitors when, where, and how your content goes up on the screens, making content supervision flawless. On top of it, simply add up to your existing playlist with the Playlist Inheritance System and overcome unpredictable failures with Remote Reboot powering up the screens with double insurance.

You can learn more about NexSigns’ Digital Signage solution and connect with us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter, and YouTube to get the latest info on digital signage!

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