HTML 5 Content
Our digital signage offers full support for any HTML 5 content. Take advantage of NexSigns' chromium-based browser to show your website, or other web content, on your screens. With our built-in browser, we make it easy for you to display any web content.

100% HTML 5 compatibility with support
NexSigns comes with its own HTML 5 browser, built on open-source Chromium. Our browser is as accurate as Chrome or Firefox when rendering pages. You will never have to worry about making independent adjustments for both your website and screen. Our browser makes it simple to display any web content.
Create Powerful Digital Signage with Content Player
Our platform seamlessly integrates with the execution of JavaScript code within your digital signage HTML 5 page, granting you the freedom to infuse interactivity and dynamic functionality into your displays.
With NexSigns, there is virtually no limitation on what you can do and create with the built-in JavaScript run-time engine. Consider taking any time to create your content. The only limitation is your creativity.
Want to Learn More about HTML 5 Content?
We'd love to hear from you. Contact our team today.
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Monday - Friday 8AM - 6PM PST